Love your Body – and you get it right back!

It is so easy to forget that we are not a machine but a self-correcting, self-maintaining complex organism – if you just give it the right conditions to thrive in!

How often do you ignore your body’s polite warning signs and nudges?

With Valentines day just around the corner – how about taking up a more unusual Valentines gift that will keep on giving?

Everyone has an opinion about  Valentine’s Day, but one thing about it – giving a gift, whether words on a card, an actual present, or an experience – well, it’s ALWAYS nice to receive those, isn’t it, no matter when?

In amongst the ads for the 45 best things to buy your Valentine, the numerous cards on offer in the newsagents, and the adventure experiences you can purchase, there is one thing I bet you will not have thought of to give!

And yet it is one of the most generous and loving presents you can give to anyone, let alone your Valentine!

What is “it”?  AN Osteopathic MOT treatment, of course!

Your loved one may be surprised; they might think you’ve lost the plot; but when they take a bit of time to consider that life and death is really all about living the best possible life right now, then they will likely also realise that taking time to look after themselves will make a difference.

Sometimes – they need a gentle nudge to make that appointment or take the time, or stop being scared of their pain and get is sorted out!

This is where a beautiful gift voucher for a treatment can make all the difference.

It is a win-win too! You feel you have done something constructive. You also may get to live with a less grumpy partner / friend!

They have the easiest solution provided for them (and the money is already paid). They can be professionally cared for in a way they have probably never experienced before. They get to be listened to, heard and checked over thoroughly before a treatment plan is put forward to move them towards their ultimate goals.

#OsteopathyWorks – so take advantage! We don’t just treat backs!

#TrustyourOsteo to know how to look after your loved one in the best way possible.

Osteopathy will re-align and re-balance the body. It will make you feel more fluid and flexible. It will increase your energy levels and help concentration. It decreases pain and pain perception… and a whole lot more!

What to do next:

  1. Book an appointment FOR THEM in advance (use the online booking site, or call the clinic) Details below. NB – Put THEIR name and email details on the form so they get a confirmation and details 😉 If the time / day does not work, give us 24 hours notice and we can find another appointment that suits better. We know that things can change.

  2. Decide on what design of card theme you want for them to receive with their gift voucher included (collect from clinic if time is short or have us post it to them).

  3. Let us know if you want anything else as a bonus for them to receive at the time of their appointment (eg flowers etc, at extra cost)

  4. Sit back and let Gayle do the rest.. unless you are bringing them in too!  ;-0

Your Health IS My Priority! I am here to help.

© Gayle Palmer DO February 2020


Structure and Function in Osteopathy


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