Are you a “naughty” client?!

Here are some simple questions to ask:

  1. Do you do what I request of you?

  2. Do you read your follow up email from your first appointment?

  3. Do you keep to your scheduled appointments or get 85% better and then think – “Nah! I am OK now” and cancel the last one or two?

  4. Do you do any exercises that I prescribe religiously?

  5. Do you practice your breathing exercises, or mindfulness or self care each day?

Yes or no??!

I am genuinely ON YOUR SIDE, all the time, – even when you may not be! I want what is best for you.

Who else is guilty of playing the role of the naughty patient?

I know, I’ve done it in the past, (ask me about my ankles ) but taking good care of your injuries / self is SO important to regain function and mobility in the long term!

I will never tell you off for not following my advice – it’s your choice and we are adults. So if you didn’t do it then be honest because it helps me create a better treatment plan. I will always try to create home management plans that fit with your time/lifestyle to make it super easy to accomplish!

The fact is – I can only get you to a certain point in your recovery if you aren’t willing to help me help you. It’s team work. I treat you and give you all the tools for improvement but it’s up to you to do the rest.

Hands up – who didn’t do the exercises / drink more water / rest / take time for your own recovery time etc etc??

My treatment plans don’t start and end at the clinic door The alternative is you end up seeing me for much longer than you should need to… I’m a gem, I know, but wouldn’t you rather not be paying me every week?

Are you willing to re-commit to our agreement that we created in the treatment room? If so – things will go much better!

I have 35+ years of experience treating patients. Not much phases me anymore. I work holistically – for your benefit.

What I do WORKS! Trust me – I am your osteopath and I have the knowledge and experience to back up what I request of you.

Let’s work together for the outcome that we both want…

To make your next appointment or your regular 6 month or annual checkup etc use the booking link. It’s easy and secure.

Your health IS my priority!

© Gayle Palmer / Living Elements Clinic 2022

PS To err / forget is human – to keep doing this is just stupidity! We plan the work – so you can work the plan.  😉


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