As life changes – Gayle is changing too!

You can’t stay still – the past is the past and you are always moving forward. It is also true that at present the energies around the Earth, humans and more, are in a particular state of flux.

I don’t know if you have been feeling the shifts and changes – or just noticing some odd coincidences, or not? Some people are definately more sensitive to energies changing than others. It helps to be more grounded and aware.

As a practitioner I am perhaps more aware than some.

In short – I am being called to expand my services and myself as an individual too. This is good news for you!

Basically I will be doing much more of what I already do, but in new and different ways.

  • Workshops – both on and offline

  • Courses

  • Bespoke integration treatments

  • More NLP and mindset consultations

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Time Line Therapy®

  • Still doing the Osteopathy in its various guises

How does that sound?

Plus, there will be a new look website coming in a few weeks time, which I hope will separate out, and make the different services I can provide easier to understand. There will be less emphasis on the Osteopathy and more on using ALL the other modalities which I can offer to you.

As I said in the video – I want to use more of my mind, emotions, energy and soul treatments to help people integrate with their bodies in a more holistic way. You may not know it, but that is also what you want too!

If you have questions – please message me – call the clinic 01243 641665.

If you aren’t sure if something is right for you – first of all FEEL into it. Does it feel like a good fit for you and what you are looking for? If there is a blog – read it and sense if it makes sense. Still not sure? BOOK a mini consultation with Gayle over the phone

Hope this gives you a better understanding of how I am being called to work. This is an exciting transition phase for me and you, please embrace it. It is with deep love and integrity that it is offered.

Love and light,

Gayle Palmer


Having a heart attack – do THIS to save your life!


Why use Complementary and Alternative Medicine? – WORKSHOP