Ecstatic Long Covid client

Long Covid symptoms are occurring more and more for many people. They can be varied, debilitating and very upsetting.

This testimonial came in from one of my clients who drove (her husband drove her in fact) for 2h each way to see me here in Chichester!

Three treatments and she was all sorted!

Manual therapy, nutritional advice, sleep advice and some simple exercises to help her body cleanse and Voila!

She is now back to work, able to think clearly, no longer fatigued or achy, no headaches or emotional outbursts. Watch from link below.

Long Covid recovery with Osteopathy

If you or a friend are struggling in the aftermath of this infection – or some of the other nasty viruses which are doing the rounds – get in touch sooner than later.

Its easy to book in too – just use THIS LINK

YOUR health IS my Priority.

Gayle Palmer


Is osteopathic treatment safe to have while I am pregnant?


Do you want to go from Fear to Freedom?