Inflammatory conditions cause pain

What is an Inflammatory condition?

Something that results in various chemicals being produced which create inflammation.

Inflammation leads to:

  • red and painful joints

  • swollen joints and even muscles

  • localised heat

  • an increase in the immune response – this causes more inflammation

Types of inflammatory conditions include: bursitis, arthritis, headaches and migraines, inflammatory bowel conditions, IBS, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, sometimes Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, asthma, eczema, and lots more…

Sound familiar?

This means you have too high an Inflammatory Index..

And these all cause pain, disability and anguish!

But – YOU can do a variety of things at home on a regular basis that makes a huge difference without the many side-effects of modern-day drugs!

One of the biggest proactive things to do is take Salmon Oil Plus by GNLD regularly – each and every day – as it reduces the inflammatory index by a massive 68% in just 8 weeks! 3 capsules a day will see a big difference in just a week or two (or less!)

As children many (now retiring adults!) used to take a spoon of cod liver oil a day to help with their development (See this article for more details – but this has really gone out of fashion, and the average diet is much less nutritional than it was too… as a result

The whole health decreases and the inflammation increases!

So – Why not stem the tide and pro-actively help yourself?

Give the salmon Oil a try – its quite unique and so are its results! That’s why it is the ONLY fish oil that I now take and recommend to my clients. Period! Order from the online shop right now, and start on your health journey to better energy and health!

YOUR health IS my Priority!

© Gayle Palmer April 2010-23


Am I making enough vitamin D?


Protecting young backs for a healthy life