“MOT” check-up Osteopathic treatments

Life continues apace, “stuff” happens and usually our bodies try to cope, adapt and compensate for what our mind in particular wants to do… and often without too much complaint!

But, there is a cost, along with any ongoing health compensations which may be required to keep us going with no respite eg a short leg, spinal curvature, poor posture from carrying a bag etc…

Time for a family body service?

In effect you are taxing your body!

“MOT” treatments or checkups are designed to help your body unravel and re-balance. They are recommended approximately every 6 months for most people, and certainly annually.

It is a half hour consultation and treatment with Gayle Palmer D.O.

Let’s make you an appointment!

During this time we will discuss what has been happening over the last few months / years!-

  • how well you have been looking after yourself eg diet, exercise etc

  • how your work / occupation is going

  • how your relationships are

  • what other stressors you may be experiencing

  • look at your posture

  • Check your internal organs etc eg adrenals and thyroid for stress

and put together a tailor-made treatment and advice especially FOR YOU!

Postural aids, food supplements, postural advice, dietary changes may be suggested and these are charged separately.

The “MOT” treatment costs just £55.00 for pre-existing clients. (Correct at going to press Feb 2019.)

So get yourself back to optimum health and vitality! Make your appointment now

01243 641665

YOUR health IS my priority!

© Gayle Palmer Osteopath 2012-19


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