Osteo or Chiro or Physio?

Deciding whether to visit an osteopath or a chiropractor can be a bit of a puzzle, as both professions share many similarities, along with a few differences. At the Living Elements Clinic, I believe in empowering our community with knowledge to make informed decisions about their health care. Let’s delve into this together!

I often get asked ‘who should I see?‘ – or see social media posts saying that they ONLY want to have a recommendation for a physio or chiro or osteo. I wonder how they know, as often by their description of their symptoms they are choosing inappropriately, due to ignorance.

The thing is, although we are a bit like close cousins – each speciality has a slightly different emphasis on what they treat or how. It depends also on the training, interests and mentors that they have or develop too.

For instance:

  • Someone who is going to go skiing or has a rehab injury would probably be better off with physio – as they are more exercise based in their approach.

  • A cricked neck is probably a chiropractor – although Osteopaths can and DO treat these very well.

  • If its more complicated – chronic disease or general ill health along with body pain, or a whiplash injury then your best port of call is definately an Osteopath for a more wholistic, all-round approach not only with diagnosis but the different treatment modalities which we can use and on a personalised, individual basis.

Shared Ground Between Osteopathy and Chiropractic

Comprehensive Training Both osteopaths and chiropractors undergo extensive medical training, equipping them with a deep understanding of the body’s systems and functions.

Holistic Approach Each profession views the body as an interconnected system and focuses on holistic treatment rather than just addressing isolated symptoms or should do.

Manual Therapy Techniques Both use hands-on treatments, including manipulation of the spine and other parts of the body, to improve health and alleviate pain. The physios have a more hands-off but exercise approach – ask the one you see how they work.

The Spectrum of Practice

– There is a spectrum in both professions, with some osteopaths and chiropractors overlapping in their techniques and treatment approaches. This can make the distinction between the two less clear-cut.

Osteopathy Generally, osteopaths may employ a wider range of manual techniques – massage, manipulation, cranial techniques etc and consider lifestyle and environmental factors in their approach.

Chiropractic Chiropractors often focus more intensively on spinal adjustments and the relationship between the spine and the nervous system.

Personalized Care for Individual Needs

– The choice between an osteopath and a chiropractor often depends on your unique health needs, preferences, and the specific expertise of the practitioner you consult. Ask them how they work most commonly. Be guided by your intuition too. In the same way that you don’t get on with everyone in the world – so, with such a personal and intimate connection – you want to trust your therapist as a person as well as with their professional hat on.

I Want to Hear From You

– Have you experienced treatments from both an osteopath and a chiropractor? What were the similarities or differences you noticed? We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!

In the end, whether you choose osteopathy or chiropractic care, both aim to enhance your well-being and quality of life. If you’re uncertain about the best path for your needs, Gayle Palmer is here to help guide you.

Checking for birth trauma

Checking for birth trauma

Still not sure? SPEAK to Gayle Palmer, Osteopath directly! I offer a free of charge mini chat consultation – you can book it online, or sometimes just call me at the clinic as I may be available for a couple of minutes. 01243 641665

I am not here to persuade you – I know what is possible. I just want what is BEST FOR YOU.

Make an appointment today https://living-elements-clinic.cliniko.com/bookings…

If this post has been helpful – or you know someone who may find it useful in their decision making process – please share. Thank you.

Place your healing in my hands. Trust your Osteopath.

© Gayle Palmer January 2024

OsteopathyWorks GaylePalmer SidleshamOsteopath ChichesterOsteopath


Meet Gayle Palmer, the Osteopath and Master NLP Coach


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