Resting time following a therapeutic session

Did you know that following an osteopathic treatment or a NLP therapeutic intervention you need to REST?

This is NOT a cause for concern, and everyone can be effected differently, including after separate interventions.

Few people talk about it, maybe a comment in passing only.

It can catch you out though if you aren’t prepared…

From personal experience I have noticed that it happens most frequently after healing deep past traumas and are the result of your sympathetic nervous system coming out of their previously entrenched fear-flight-fight mode of operating. This is an emergency response.

Your body and mind then need a period of rest, calm and time to integrate the new information, understanding and way of being into life.

It happens when your body finally finds that feeling of safety and security in itself and its environment – hence the need to calm and peace.

Therefore, when you take that time out – you are NOT being lazy and neither is your body – in fact it is very busy in the background – and shuts down unwanted and un-needed other options to effect the changes necessary. Hence you feel sleepy, spaced out, calm, dreamy.

The heightened awareness and fear can be present for many years – indeed even through the generations (I use Time Line Therapy® to dig out these traumatic areas using the unconscious mind, to then resolve them)!

Be present to the now – or said another way – be actively passive. It will help.

If you have found this interesting – please pass it on to others who may need to learn about it. For further help – contact Gayle Palmer directly at the clinic.

You are welcome to comment and share your thoughts below too.

YOUR health IS my priority! Place your healing in my hands.

© Gayle Palmer 2023


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