This lady has magic hands!

Every so often I get an acknowledgment of the work that I do with my patients. It is always great to know how folks progress, or not.

Osteopathy is not a one-thing cures all.

It is a Science, an Art and uses a variety of techniques. I also try to balance the body, mind and emotions for my clients too!

Whilst I may have an inkling of how things will go – I never fully know – either in a treatment or afterwards. That makes it fresh, challenging and engaging for both myself and my clients. I believe that is a good thing.

This lady has magic hands.

I have never met anyone who has actually made a difference to my pain.

Now I have and I can’t recommend Gayle highly enough.

The way she works is amazing and not only is the pain improving it is such a wonderful, all encompassing experience.

I should like to keep her all to myself but feel it only fair to let others know and have the opportunity to experience her themselves.

Thank you Gayle from the bottom of my heart.

Jennie Langdon

 If you know someone who could do with a service / “MOT” or is in actually pain and discomfort and has “tried everyone else” – maybe this is the “knock on the door” that they need to make an appointment and have a consultation. Feel free to recommend Gayle. It is a pleasure to serve.

To make an appointment either book in directly online BOOKING LINK or call the clinic (leave a message on the ansaphone of necessary.)

I look forward to being of service. YOUR health IS my priority.

© Gayle Palmer Living Elements Clinic


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