Transform your conscious and unconscious thinking with NLP

I am delighted to say that I have qualified in some therapeutic therapies that I have partly been using for over 20 years!

(Now I know what some of the techniques are actually called vs how to do them!)

NLP and Time Line Therapy® are the most amazing tools to help you regain your conviction, confidence and ability to go forward free from the constraints of the past!

It will compliment my work as an Osteopath – which is largely treatment to the physical (and some emotional / mental holding patterns in the tissues) and enlarges this to integrate the mind too. This is SO powerful!

The training was immense fun, partly helped by being largely familiar to me already, unlike some of the other participants. I am very grateful to now have systematized tools to now help even more people sort and manage their “stuff”. Mind tools are a much forgotten skill, especially in the age of success at any cost.

Transformation technology is a superb way forward that I have been involved with actively for over 20 years.

If you are stuck with negative emotions – anger, frustration, grief, sadness, fear, hatred, procrastination or worse!

Limiting beliefs – “Im not good enough”, “I can’t do it”, “I am unlovable”, “I am unloved”, “No-one likes me” – familiar to you?


YOU do NOT need to be stuck with this.

But – you will need some help to get you past these blocks and NLP does this remarkably quickly, and effectively – which is why the world’s greatest trainers use it.

Plus famous influencers, business men and other movers and shakers have discovered the power of the techniques to enhance performance, stop the thinking about and get into productive actions and more! eg Oprah Winfrey, Rafa Nadal

They know the secrets – and they work! They will for you too!

Not sure what you want to work on? Concerned it won’t work for you?

Jump on a discovery call with Gayle and let’s explore together, create an action plan of what needs resolving and how – and make it happen!

I have been personally blown away by how quickly and effectively things can change – that you just thought were permanent! I want that for you too. In the process of working on our unconscious mind – the REALLY clever part, as well as your conscious mind – miracles can happen! 🙂

Discovery calls take about 90 minutes or so. I dig deep so that I can serve you to the best of my ability going forward. They are a paid service for my time but totally work it.

Let’s get started with making the appointment for the call HERE – just select the discovery call option.

© Gayle Palmer Health Consulting 2022

Integrating your mind, body, emotions and spiritual life.

#MasterNLP # MasterNLPpractitioner #mindtherapy #emotionaltherapy #health #vibrancy #lovelife


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