Health Gift Vouchers
Giving the gift of life, as a parent, is even more so – though you can only do that once per child.
Giving the gift of health is amazing and you CAN give this whenever you wish.
Presenting someone with a health gift voucher gives them an opportunity to
increase their health and vitality,
get them pain free,
restore function,
enable someone to achieve a longed for dream,
receive touch, which is a rare experience at present, in a safe environment or
simply a chance to be listened to and relax in a cosy, private room – with no-one to focus on – but THEM!
That really is a fabulous gift for a loved one or cherished friend to receive and to look forward to.
If you want to gift an Osteopathic treatment or a short course for someone you can do this very easily.
Buy a gift voucher either: online – there is a special category – print out the voucher and present it to them in a card and explain that they will need to make the appointment date and time for themselves OR
contact Gayle directly at the clinic – by calling 01243 641665
If you wish to purchase a course of 4 treatments, due to the vagaries of the booking system – call Gayle directly please.
Do you also know that there are specific Gift Vouchers for:
Mums and Babies; Valentines (Valenspines!) and other events, like birthdays and they have appropriate graphics for the seasons too. They come with a personalised card and contain the gift voucher – for you to send yourself or Gayle can do this for you, along with the instructions for how to book.
NB The vouchers have a specific time-limited duration that they must be used by.
Please share, thank you.
© Gayle Palmer, Living Elements Clinic 2020