Christmas IS going to be and feel different

Here is a radical thought – given that the whole of the Christmas and New Year period is going to be very different this year – instead of complaining and whining that its “not Christmas”


You may not be seeing some of your loved ones or friends

You may not be having such a large turkey or days of feasting

You may not be going out shopping in the usual manner etc.

BUT – it is still the holiday period and still a celebration.

We all get to say what makes Christmas or not…

We can CHOOSE how we celebrate – or remain grumpy because XYZ is missing… One option is healthy, the other is not.

The thing is – instead of trying to make it “normal” – whatever that may mean to you and your family – as that is so false and unrealistic – Why not create a totally different day?

If you imagine what the day(s) could be – what would it look like? How do you want to feel?

Put another way – we are brought up with a huge range of traditions and expectations, and Christmas has more of them than other times of the year. The unseen catch though – is that at some point, someone made those up too! The good news – we can create something new!

The Victorians really put Christmas as we know it into our national and family consciousness – the candlelit tree, cocktails, turkey (its an American bird! The Brits always used to have goose, if they could afford it), decorations, Father Christmas, and more!

Also “Christmas traditions” were really for the newly created middle class and above, not the working classes – who could not afford them. A shared family “special” meal would be all they could manage.

Before then, most families would be working right up until the Day itself (or just have a half day off!) Travelling “home” to see family probably wasn’t affordable and most families had very little spare money…but it meant that their expectations were less. They met friends, shared a few drinks, had simple often homemade presents.

2020 Christmas is going to be limited in what we can do, and who we can see, due to the Covid restrictions; and I am totally aware of just how few people some have seen almost all year.

So – we all need to bear the restrictions in mind – and STILL create a unique and special day.

Ideas for your alternative Christmas!

  • find a new exciting challenge to do something you may or may not have ever dream of trying….a new recipe,

  • technology (video call quiz),

  • a walk somewhere different,

  • a charity build up… maybe reverse advent calendar- give/donate something each day, or

  • make something for yourself or family member?

  • If you can’t see family – could you invite a neighbour in for a drink or a socially distanced kerbside meet up?

  • Change up the routine (which are heavily attached to our traditions / expectations) – if you “always” have a turkey lunch – maybe go for a walk then and feel the freedom of being outside, and eat later.

  • DO what you really want to vs ….? – make some artwork, don’t eat turkey!, have a pyjamas day

  • Make someone else’s day – as a surprise! Take them fresh scones, or give them a call

It’s the best excuse to have what we really want in a Christmas – ever! Get creative! Get radical!

Sure, you may be sad, angrey, frustrated, upset, confused, depressed, lonely etc at parts during the day as you think about Christmas past and have the holiday blues – but it is futile to dwell in that.

Make the most out of the day / holiday period – to buoy you up; encourage; inspire, celebrate, spoil and relax.

You get to decide how successful your day will be – choose wisely! 2020 won’t be coming around again 😉

PS – Please SHARE your created day and alternative Christmas by commenting below – it may inspire someone else who is stuck for ideas 😉

PPS – DO send this to a friend or onto your social media timeline if its been helpful. Thank you.

PPS – The clinic will be OPEN on Mon 21st and Tues 22nd Dec, morning of the 24th, then re-opens on Tues 29th Dec. You can book yourself in 😉 IF you get seriously stuck in the meantime – CALL and leave a message for me – 01243 641665

© Gayle Palmer 2020. Living Elements Clinic


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