Heat stroke, heart attacks and the avoidance of…

Its hot, and getting hotter! They are forecasting 30 degrees this week… (end of June 2009, and again end of June 2020)

This means, as far as I am concerned many of my patients having increasing problems with –

Heat stroke, heart attacks, heart failure and the avoidance of the excess heat. 

The heat is a BIG problem, not only for the elderly, young and babies but for everyone.

The most at risk are those who have a heart complaint, asthma, the elderly and anyone who lives in a polluted area – near traffic fumes. 

Here are some health tips that I hope will be easy to follow, understand and carry out:-

1. Drink PLENTY of water – at least 6 pints per day!

  • Why? -Not enough water intake, plus more sweating = chronic dehydration. This effects the kidneys, they cannot get rid of all the waste and toxins properly – which leads to fatigue, headaches, feelings of depression

  • The liver also can’t process the waste adequately – leads to pallid, jaundiced skin, itchy skin as the body uses this as an organ of elimination, feelings of anger and irritability.

  • Heart – dehydration reduces the strength of the muscle power, this leads to chronic insufficiency – palpitations, heart attacks, fluid swelling in the legs especially (the skin often creates a “pit” when pushed in gently by the ankle – indicates poor return of the blood to the weakened heart), fatigue, feelings of hopelessness. All signs of heart failure. This is more common than one thinks. Also, even if you are taking heart medication, it still doesn’t mean that you can be complacent – you still need to drink more water!

One of the problems with drinking more water is that it does not contain any of the solutes (natural tissue salts) that the body requires. To counteract this, especially as when you sweat you also lose some of these salts that are vital for muscle work (including the heart muscle)

ADD a small pinch of common salt to each pint of water that you drink through the day and a slice of lemon.

2. Keep out of the heat

  • Close your curtains during the day

  • Once the heat outside is more than inside, CLOSE the windows and doors! This insulates the house FROM the heat.

  • To get some air movement have a fan on (constantly if need be)

3. Keep cool

  • Wear loose fitting but long clothes

  • Wear natural fibres – cotton is best and a light colour.

  • ALWAYS wear a hat when outside. If its very hot, get the hat wet and then wear it!

  • Aim to stay out of the sun as much as possible.

REMEMBER – babies and young children, plus the elderly are NOT able to temperature regulate properly, and in respect of the “littlest people” also cannot move out of the heat. When they cry, it creates more heat – a lose-lose situation.

  • Cool babies by putting them in a cool bath and monitor their temperature carefully.

  • Wrap them in damp clothes / muslin cloth so as it dries the evaporation will cool them – also good for older children and adults

  • Give them plenty of water to drink as well as their milk. Do NOT be surprised if they go off their food during the extreme heat, just ensure that the fluids keep going in.

  • With older children if they start showing signs of heat stroke – increasingly fractious, stubborn, over hot in all senses, then listless, dull eyes etc REHYDRATE with the salt solution or rehydration salts.

  • Keep them STILL.

  • Stay out of the sun whenever possible.

  • ALWAYS put on high factor sunblock to prevent infra-red radiation burns and re-apply regularly.


Weak and rapid pulse

Shortness of breath even without exercise / exertion

poor concentration

irregular heart beat


Excessive sweating

Excessive swelling especially in the lower limbs

Pitting oedema


If you think you, or a friend, is having a heart attack – CALL 999 NOW

(or 121 if on a mobile, it will work even without network coverage.)

Time is of the essence. DON’T WAIT! It is better to have a false alarm. They only have minutes to get to you sometimes.

Keep an eye on elderly neighbours – the silent ones are more at risk than those who complain a lot! Often they “try to get by” as they “Don’t want to be a nuisance.”

I hope that this information is useful.

More info from NHS Direct follow this link:

Other ways to prevent heart attacks and strokes:

  • Take a Salmon Oil Plus supplements daily – for more information follow this link

  • Take regular exercise

  • Lose weight

  • Eat more fruit and vegetables – they contain anti-oxidants, vital for keeping your heart and arteries working at peak performance. If you can’t reach the 8-10 a day target set by the World Health Organisation – take a Carotenoid and Flavonoid supplement each day.

  • Help you body take up food nutrients and even your prescription drugs better by taking Tre-en-en daily

For more dietary information about how to avoid CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASE, including heart attacks and strokes I occasionally lead a seminar on this subject. Contact the clinic for more info.



For a further article on preventing chronic disease…

Got more questions – call Gayle Palmer at the clinic NOW… 01243 641665

© Gayle Palmer June 2009-19


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