Love Thyself – this is your first maxim for life!

Self care is all about loving and valuing yourself.

It is not a sin!

As I repeatedly say – health is NOT an accident.

Self care and loving yourself are key components to being a healthy human.

The ingredients are simple though..

  • Nourish your body with good, wholesome food in variety but moderation.

  • Take regular exercise that enriches you – and has you feel alive

  • Get rid of those toxic, harmful people from you life – who do NOT enhance your life. If you can’t, restrict your access to them.

  • Get positive! Learn how to generate positivity in your being and language.

  • Have lots of gratitude for the life that you have and the world around you. Keep notes!

  • Learn how to boost your mental and emotional wellbeing ongoingly – this is a learnt activity

Not sure how to achieve this? – make an appointment to see Gayle Palmer D.O. who has been studying this for 30 years!

The Simple phrase – “love thy self” – for some people this is extraordinarily difficult to achieve.

Lack of confidence, self loathing, not feeling good enough, even worthless rule their beliefs and lives.

With these negative phrases and emotions running the show it is hard to feel in love with yourself or life!

You can change this though, even if it takes some help and persistence! Make an appointment today!

© Gayle Palmer Living Elements Clinic 2021


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