Beta course launch for seniors and families

Have you been avoiding sorting stuff out?

Worried about leaving your own belongings or finances or whatever to your already hard-pressed family to sort out? Somethings you don’t want them to see?!

Feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start or how. Even getting online is scary?

Yup! I have heard this over and over again with thousands of clients over the years! And it’s not easy.

It’s why I created a course to help my own Mum over a decade ago - to go through many aspects of your life, one question and one step at a time.

Be supported to move on, let go or simply get organised once and for all.

You don’t even have to be a senior to be concerned either! I have already set up and organised many things - as potentially my neice and nephew will have to sort my stuff when I die - and that’s not fair!

It is YOUR responsibility to leave this Earth with less stuff for others to deal with.

It is YOUR choice to tidy up - but it brings huge benefits!

  1. Those worries and concerns go

  2. You don’t feel guilty anymore

  3. You know what you have, and you LOVE it.

  4. You have a plan of action and a drive to see it through

  5. You feel lighter and confident going forward

  6. You have a better understanding of where you are and what you want to aim for

  7. Your finances and more secure and ordered

  8. Your health is improved and there are easy daily actions to take

  9. and more! Much more!!

Towards the end of September 2024 I shall be leading a small group of individuals to work through just three of the topics over a few months. It is my Beta-course - and hopefully it will also iron out any techie glitches etc at the same time.

The topics will be:

  1. Health and Wellbeing

  2. Medical

  3. Money and Finance

If you wish to be considered for the first cohort, it is by application - a short interview with Gayle, please Contact her directly ASAP. 01243 641665 to find a mutually convenient time.

As part of joining this Beta course there will also be a reduction in the cost of what will be the full course plus an early bird special offer for those who pay in full before the course starts!

So making time for a chat if it piques your interest is well worthwhile.

Speak soon! Gayle Palmer 01243 641665


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