Struggling with breast feeding?

You want to do the right thing, feed your own baby - and it is a struggle - for you, or baby, or both?

This can be very upsetting - hopes dashed - but don’t give up too easily - make an appointment to see Gayle Palmer ASAP. She can assess what is not working as well as it should, and then go from there.

There can be so many challenges for women when they breastfeed - and it isn't always on them.

(Sometimes it is the child who cannot feed in the correct way - biting vs sucking, issues with swallowing, intolerant to dairy or wheat (via Mums breast milk) and even from the trauma of the birth itself. All for a different blog post!)

One of the biggest issues I see is getting correctly set up to start with (the hungrey baby can wait an extra 30 seconds whilst Mum gets organised) and especially related to their posture.

This is where Osteopathy is expert at advising and helping.

With 35 years of experience, Gayle can quickly identify the issues that have altered the normal function for both parties which allow for easy breastfeeding. These are usually structural issues, but not always, and by using cranial osteopathy she will skillfully unravel and unlock areas of tightness and restriction - to change the function which we recognise as an issue.

Make an appointment ASAP with Gayle Palmer - preferably a double one for both Mum and Baby.

Book via or phone 01243 641665.

Living Elements Clinic Sidlesham.


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