Flu “bomb” – a natural aid to no flu

Who feels like they are getting ‘flu’ or Covid or a cold? Try this receipe for a big hit of natural ways to kick it away!

First of all this is enough for ONE dose of the ‘Flu’ Bomb – you will need these ingredients:

  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed

  • 1/4 teaspoon of fresh ginger, finely chopped

  • Juice of one lemon

  • 1 teaspoon of honey, Manuka if you have it

  • 1 drop of either Eucalyptus or tea tree oil

  • To taste – Cayenne pepper

  • 1/2 a cup of hot water.

Mix them all together and stir thoroughly in the water. Adjust to taste – sweet / bitter / hot ingredients to your tolerance level ie more garlic or ginger or cayenne.

Drink the emulsion at the first sign of feeling off colour. Then 3 times a day.

OK, so I know its an acquired taste! But is is VERY powerful, natural medicine that works – and that, with a bit of prep, you can do easily at home and see how the illness develops, or not. Its definitely worth a try if nothing else!

Let me know how you get on in the comments too. You are welcome to forward onto your friends etc.

Your health IS my priority!

© Gayle Palmer 2023.


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