NEW Mum and Baby Gift Voucher

Have a double appointment – one for Mum, one for Baby!

These are specifically to check both parties in a totally wholistic way – for the results of giving birth (however that may be) and to ensure that both parties thrive and recover fully afterwards.

Benefits include:

For Mums –

  • being able to sit down afterwards, even after an episiotomy!

  • feeding rich, creamy milk with no mastitis; or finding the right position for feeding successfully

  • releasing tension in the neck and shoulders; ensuring the various hormones are working properly – think uterine care, milk production, emotions;

  • helping uterus and pelvis to return to “normal”;

  • resolving other trauma issues, including the enormity of bringing a child into the world and the responsibility therein.

  • Advice about feeding positions and carrying etc

  • Resolving pre-exisiting issues eg lowback pain or pelvic instability

For the child –

  • check of proper feeding and digestion;

  • check for compression issues and strains, especially in the head and gut from delivery;

  • energetic and emotional effects of pregnancy and birth and bonding with Mum;

  • Ensuring optimal growth and development going forward

  • Any other concerns that there may be

ALL of these things are important for both parties welfare.

I also understand that it can be daunting at this emotional and changeable time of life, when so many things are new, to take the time out to be checked by someone other than a doctor, health visitor or midwife.

Honestly, Osteopathy offers a completely different and refreshingly holistic care package for this new unit.

Gayle won’t ask you “How are you?” and then ignore the answer! How you experience life’s big changes, and how you feel your baby is faring IS important – and may give tell-tale clues as to what needs to be addressed. Each story is unique.

Each of the appointments is half an hour long, min. There is plenty of time for questions and answers, plus you will be given more information to take away with you. Gayle doesn’t expect you to remember everything!

These gift vouchers can either be pre-booked in advance – DOUBLE appointments are essential or the voucher can be used up to 3 months after purchase. Contact Gayle at the clinic directly if you have a query – 01243 641665.

The EARLIEST that they can get seen the better though – within a day or two of birth is possible! Please – don’t wait until everyone is exhausted and despondent a few months down the line before coming to see Gayle, when, with prompt treatment, things could already be resolved.

Health is NOT an accident – but especially after potentially deep trauma on many levels – taking prompt action can save everyone’s sanity and pain.

BOOK a Mum and Baby Gift Voucher TODAY!

Place your family’s healing in my hands. You won’t regret it.

© Gayle Palmer Feb 2024

Registered Cranial Osteopath since 1991.


Help a friend with Osteopathy


Half term Osteo checkups for children