Self Care – there are many options

If self care to you means having a Costa on the way to work or scoffing a Galaxy bar mid morning when you have an energy dip – then think again!

These stimulatory boosts are short term and can actually be causing you harm.

That is NOT self care!

Osteopath Gayle Palmer at the Living Elements Clinic recommends a range of truly self care techniques to maintain a healthy life and outlook. They are each recommended on a 1-2-1 basis.

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#SelfCare #OsteoTips

  • How about a post-weekend stretch? Learn easy stretches to keep your body flexible and pain-free.

  • Perhaps a de-toxing Epsom salts bath that has the additional benefit of increasing magnesium salts take up (helps stop leg cramps!)

Best of all – an Osteopathic “MOT” appointment to balance you up.

Book in via with #GaylePalmer

#SelfCare #OsteoTips

© Gayle Palmer


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