Toothache? Jaw pain?

It’s #NationalToothacheDay!

Did you know toothache can be linked to jaw and neck issues?

In fact, they are intimately linked – as true healing cannot happen with toothache if the neck and jaw is not well balanced and draining blood and lymph supply (think immune system).

This is where Osteopathy comes in.

Learn how osteopathy can provide relief beyond the spine. 💆‍♀️ #holistichealth #OsteopathyWorks#cranialOsteopathy

Osteopath Gayle Palmer specialises in facial and dental issues – from little babies who struggle to open their mouths wide enough to feed properly to those who have had jaw trauma etc.

If you are struggling with this – then make an appointment TODAY

The face and jaw is a complex and finely tuned area, which, when things go wrong can have far reaching effects – even causing low back pain or digestive issues!

If symptoms persist for more than a short while consider making an appointment for an in depth consultation and examination.

Place your healing in my hands,

© Gayle Palmer Feb 2024


Half term Osteo checkups for children


Self Care – there are many options