Travel Tips to stay pain free for your Summer Holidays

No one wants to be in pain during their holidays and there are plenty of things that you can do to reduce that likelihood.

Here are five top tips that can help to make a difference to you and your holiday.

Tip 1:

Stay Hydrated!

Dehydration can worsen muscle tension and pain.

It can make you irritable and grumpy.

It can reduce your mental and emotional capacity.

It can lower your concentration and memory.

It can cause confusion and drowsiness.

It can lead to headaches and even gut pain and constipation!

Remember to drink plenty of water during your travels.

Tip 2:


Long periods of sitting during travel can cause muscle stiffness.

Incorporate simple stretches into your routine to keep your body limber and supple, and to prevent pain.

TIP 3:


Heavy bags can strain your muscles and joints as you attempt to move them through unfamiliar and awkward places. eg Airport departures.

Pack ONLY the essentials and use luggage with wheels to avoid unnecessary work for your body. Or use a rucksack with suitably adjusted straps to ease the strain.

Tip 4:


Whether you mode of transport is driving or flying or sitting on a train, taking regular breaks to stretch and move around can make a big difference.

This helps to prevent stiffness and improves the circulation. It also changes your eye focus and concentration levels. And it is a great opportunity to have a drink of water.

Tip 5:


If you experience travel-related pain or discomfort, consider visiting me, your osteopath for treatment to address the root causes of your symptoms.

Osteopathy is effective and safe. Gayle has over 30 years of experience treating clients and has built up a vast range of knowledge in the process.

If you have found this useful - please LIKE and SHARE it amongst your friends.

If you need some help do book an appointment if possible at least a week before your holiday departure for an “MOT” checkup with Gayle Palmer. You can book online via THIS LINK

#OsteopathyWorks #GaylePalmer #holidayplans #travelplans #traveltips

Enjoy your holiday time with friends or family or just solo travelling. They bring memories and expereinces which no-one can take away and enrich your life!

Happy travels!

Gayle Palmer July 2024


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