Let them…

This was not written by me but I thought it was worthy of posting. See what you think.

As I journey through life, I increasingly embrace the "Let Them" philosophy in my relationships. This profound acceptance has been a hard-won lesson, especially regarding friends and family, who can sometimes mistreat and disrespect you. It took me years to realize that tolerating such behavior only out of fear of losing people was not serving me.

The painful truth I had to learn was that those who truly care for you would never treat you in a hurtful manner. We must not be so understanding and forgiving that we overlook repeated disrespect.

  • Let them be upset.

  • Let them judge you.

  • Let them misunderstand you.

  • Let them gossip about you.

  • Let them ignore you.

  • Let them be "right."

  • Let them doubt you.

  • Let them not like you.

  • Let them not speak to you.

  • Let them run your name into the ground.

  • Let them make you out to be the villain.

Whatever they want to say about you, let them!

Kindly step aside and LET THEM.

The harsh reality is that they are aware of the pain they cause, yet they don't care. They hurt you, knowing it might mean losing you, and they did it anyway. True love involves caring deeply about how our actions impact others. Let them go.

Some people would rather lose you than face the truth of their actions. The absence of respect was the closure. The lack of an apology was the closure. The indifference was the closure. The refusal to take responsibility was the closure. The dishonesty was the closure. Let them go.

Decide not to sit at tables where you might become the topic of conversation the moment you leave. Let them go.

You can still be kind and love them deeply, but do so from the distance their actions have created. Access to you is a privilege they have proven unworthy of. Let them go.

You don’t need to explain your side of the story. God already knows. Let God fight the battle for you. Let them go.

Reaching this place of understanding has taken me a long time. Sleepless nights, countless tears, and a whirlwind of emotions filled with anger, disappointment, confusion, and deep hurt. It required extensive self-reflection, self-preservation, deep prayer, and seeking wisdom from those much wiser than myself.

If you are struggling with this, please know you are not alone. We may never fully understand why hurt people hurt others, but we can commit to the hard work of personal growth. Because healed people, indeed, have the power to heal others.

  • Don’t let them steal your joy.

  • Don’t let them steal your light.

  • Don’t let them steal your peace.

  • You are in control of these things.

Hold tight to what you can control and release your grip on what you cannot. Let them go.

Katie Kamara

Sacred Divine Feminine

If you have found this thought provoking or useful - please comment. Gayle Palmer


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