Upset new babies are helped with Cranial Osteopathy
One of the pleasures of being an osteopath is that I have a very wide variety of clients. Last night, at choir practice here in Sidlesham, my singing teacher asked if I had a card on me…
A friend of hers had just had twins and one had appalling colic and was struggling to eat. This is a common problem especially for twins.
Post partum checks for Mums and babies are recommended.
There is less room in utero and head squishing, either whilst “cooking” during pregnancy or on the exit, can lead to nerve compression and is more likely with multiparous pregnancies.
If this occurs near the base of the skull it can impinge on the Vagus nerve – which changes the function of:
* swallowing and suckling nerve supplies
* two thirds of the gut
* heart and lungs
* thyroid and thymus glands
* liver and spleen
and a lot more!
By gently helping the compressions to ease out using cranial osteopathy Gayle can allow normal function to return – and as if by magic – babies feeding improves.
Their suckle, volume of feed, reduced agitation, less vomiting and startle reflexes calm and there is much less crying for no apparent reason, and more.
Everyone can get some sleep too! Their siblings if they come in to watch often say can I make the baby stop crying!
This is why post partum checks for baby and Mum are so important. Gayle can ease the tensions BEFORE they become a concern and also resolve them if there is an issue.
It is a misconception that crying babies are normal – so should be ignored. Sadly normal and common get confused and misused.
There is ALWAYS a reason why a baby cries. As a parent you may not know what to do to help – but a cranial Osteopath often does – and better still, can do something to resolve the causes.
Book your appointment TODAY, or refer this to someone who is struggling, by using our online booking facility:
Gayle has over 35 years of experience treating and training in the osteopathic treatment of pregnancy and babies / children, you can be reassured to place your healing in her hands.
© Gayle Palmer Living Elements Clinic 2023
#OsteopathyWorks #babyosteo #TrustYourOsteo #GaylePalmer #Canial #cranialosteopath #cryingbaby #poorfeeding