Vegan bedding options – mattresses and bedding

If you are vegan and want to stay true to your conscience with regards to your bed and bedding. Afterall – you are in bed for about one third of the day… the options can be quite limited.

For it to be vegan if needs to be made with NO animal products – So wool stuffing and threads are out.

Also, for many, they want a chemical-free mattress option too.

This combination is difficult to source, and also tends to be expensive!

Read – organic, vegan, chemical-free anywhere in the want list – and the price leaps up! But, there are options. (Some people may not be able to use them if they are allergic to latex or other things though.)

In addition, mattresses have to be fire-retardant (makes sense).

On the plus-side – organic, vegan bedding is plentiful and easy to source.  😉

A note on chemical foam mattresses – these are made using petro-chemicals which can leach  chemicals into you. So, as long as you don’t have a rubber allergy the natural latex option wins.

One supplier is

another is

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For other posts on beds and back health please see:

Need a New Mattress? and

Choosing your bed – osteopathic advice

© Gayle Palmer D.O. 2017 All Rights Reserved.


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